Monday, March 3, 2008

It's in you.

Everyone, regardless of how saintly their intentions be, finds reason to blame another. The best of us do it lesser, but the average man throws fault at everyone around them. Why did things go wrong? Where did it fall apart? Who did this to me? It's always someone else. Something happens, and there we go, hunting like scavengers for the reason, why did this happen to me? We follow our footsteps into the past until we find someone else's intertwined in ours, that led us to the path we are on. Those footsteps are the culprits. Yours were led onto the path you tread on right now, it was all because of those footsteps that you went off course. And crashed.
Few of us take a turn from our self-absorbed thoughts and realise that everything that happens, everthing, is self-determined. You are the one that controls your destiny. You are the cause for your pain, for your sorrow. You make yourself happy, you bring to your feet the ghost of contempt. If something went wrong, the footsteps of the past do nothing but give you something to shield yourself from your demons, your vices. It is this mask that endangers you, it's this curtain of oblivion that gives you happiness of the worst kind, happiness that is temporary, happiness that you yourself eventually will lose. Nothing can save you but yourself. You are your own god.


Che said...

Thats what I have been telling these lesser mortals since a long time and they tell me i am crazy!

Anka Wisha said...

Haha, no, it's just that they probably don't have enough will power to own themselves.

Che said...

Uhoh dont tell me I own myself, I was planning to blame someone else for all my screw ups.
If we all just got rid of god collectively, the world would make so much more sense.

Anka Wisha said...

Yet again I beg to differ and could write up a two page essay in response =/.
Humans and the whole collective thing, just don't work. Too many of us. Maybe that's why nuclear warfare does have it's positives, as long as it's half the earth away from me.

Che said...

So we agree to disagree. which is a good thing. Cuz if every one agreed on everything there would be no intelligent conversations.
I dont like the human race too much myself but justifying nuclear warfare is taking it a bit too far.
I advocate an age limit of 50.

Anka Wisha said...

Wait no, I'd rather rephrase..I don't disagree, but I don't agree either.
Getting rid of god collectively would lead to the world making sense? Yes and no. Yes because the term God needs to be relinked with a new definition, and no because too many people rely on the faith they have in God to get through with their life.
Do you get what I'm saying?
And hell no! Not just 50, even if I know I'd die before it. I like my grandparents too much.

Che said...
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Che said...

too many people depend on god which is exactly why i want to get rid of him. oh the age limit of 50 is not acceptable? so you love your grandparents, cool. even if i could remember mine i dont think it would change my opinion. But then I am a drifter and obviously you arent.

Anka Wisha said...

But God..isn't there. He's in our minds. The illusion people use to get by their lives. People need to know it's all in them. They decide it all, not some other third person watching on us from "above".
You can't get rid of him. You can only reconstruct people's illusions.
Oh I drift alright. I can even float ^_^. Why would I not?

BrideToBe said...

Wow...interesting post!
And, I guess you're right partly. Because, I should've known that people like them should not be given second chances. Should've been smarter in judging them. BUT, the question still remains- HOW could I have known?

And about the finding permanent happiness part, I'll probably understand a few months down the line. Right now, I can only feel and smell the dumps. And the last thing I want somebody telling me is that I stepped into the dump myself.
I KNOW that continuing to sit in the dump is my choice, but well, like I said, I'll agree with you in a few months time.
Thanks forthe link tho, appreciate it. And...keep reading! x