Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Your Truest

Find the youest in you
As it's the truest of true
And let go only when
You temporarily bend,
But never forget the you of you
And make sure that all you do
Comes back in good
The way it should,
To make things better
Towards more together
Between the youest of you
Where lies the truest in true.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Negatively positive.
Positively negative.
Perplexedly poetic.
Dilemnatically damned.
We land.

Retrospectively forward.
Futuristically backward.
Hexagonally twofaced.
Dimensionally damned.
We planned.

Delusionally despondent.
Spuriously expectant.
Paradoxically simultaneous.
Conjunctionally damned.
We stand.