Sunday, December 30, 2007

When footprints lose identity..

She didn't know what she was doing there, it was late and her heart yearned for home, for shelter, for arms of a lover, for anything that gave her comfort in this world, yet she stayed. She walked along the dark shoreline. Barefoot, step by step she moved on. She could see the crooked rocks in the distance, a safe distance. Watching the lashing waves in the gleam of the moonshine, she questioned herself, Why is it so hard?
He watched her from behind the trees as she stood on the beach, her hair whirring in the wind, her body in tune with the waves. She glittered like a diamond among ash, her hair like drops of sunshine, her skin glowing in ripeness. He wanted to run to her and reach out, say something, say anything to make her feel better. But he didn't. Standing there, only watching, unable to move, he questioned himself, Why is it so hard?
She felt his presence, but shrugged it off. He was the last thing she wanted, she never wanted to see him again, she hated him, despised him...didn't she? Drowning under the burdens, she started to run. Ignoring the shells and stones clawing against her feet, she continued to run and that's when the tears started to flow. And they didn't stop.
I have to do something. I can't watch her like this. But no, he couldn't go, and he didn't. He ran through the trees to keep up with her when she suddenly tripped. Her body collapsed and folded towards the sandy floor. She lay there, shaking in a sob of tears.
The clouds kept playing with the moon, the night owl swooped in content and the lighthouse flashed its intermittent warmth, all in the darkness of the night.
He watched in shock as she climbed the very rocks she feared. And then he ran, ran towards her, faster with every breath, trying to reach her before..
The rocks were all she had now. She went higher and higher. The tears streamed down and fell to the blackness of the jagged floor, beads of sorrow lost in the darkness. Her feet were bleeding, a crimson trail followed her path. She reached the top, only flinted boulders and raging waters below. She gave it one last thought, Goodbye, and jumped.
He reached just in time to watch her let go. No! He fell in shock, on his knees, on the border where her footprints turned to blood.


Adarsh said...

it was brilliant.i actually took my head closer to the was touching and i could really feel it.this is just really fucking are extremely talented!

Anonymous said...

Dunno quite what to say. Hope this wasn't you venting, wouldn't want you to be this sad. Otherwise was a good read, nice rush near the climax.


jonathanjouty said...

captivating. brilliant use of language. you can just imagine the whole scene as if you were the boy in the woods running and looking at every thing.

tat aspect of using a character that doesn't interact in the story gives the audience a place... and emotions are carried along from the "invisible" character to the audience...

i also like the way ders no xtra involved. the story just starts and so much of the history of the characters is revealed (well more imagined than anything else) through the story and then it just leaves us hanging in the end.. just like the boy!

Alok Meshram said...


Well, not exactly poignant. But yes, it has a melancholy feel to it.

Anyways, I like tragedies. Interesting pieces of work they are. But to me, this doesn't appear to be the typical doomy tragedy. This is focused more on lamentation, I think. It feels like the piece is saying, "Sigh."

Anka Wisha said...

I'll take that as a compliment.

Anka Wisha said...

..and I think you mean anyway*.