Monday, July 28, 2014

Commodities of Choice

Power to the People,
The voices can be heard,
the unheard now make sounds,
till through grapevines,
deaf ears melt away.

Your options have dispersed.
they are scattered among
the ashes of millions.
What is one in a mere infinity?

The alternatives,
you thought,
were reliable have withered,
unfolded amongst the colours.
A scale of colours
was always more appealing
than a monochromatic,
binary of choice.

Was that demise?
Or is this?

If you are here,
you must hear.
you must listen.
you - are the product,
and you will be sold.

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Your journey is winding,
Your chaos is binding.
Tumbling across life,
While it happens to you.
Tossing through the ships,
Waves of circumstances,
Pounding past starboard.
Sharpening your edges,
Dangerous and safe.
Eventually, you have moulded,
But what you can't let go of,
What stays through your labyrinths,
The perceived good, bad, ugly,
That latches to your soul,
Is your crux.
Accept your crux,
And chaos falls away for peace.


Free falling into oneness with the earth,
Legs tangled and minds in search,
Flitting thoughts raptured by script,
Time flew by while green felt like this.
Emergence to acceptance,
Where is your hand?
Ghost like memories, enveloped in sand.
One shot down, one more comes.
It is what it is. Be happy in now.


Take a moment,
To get lost in yourself,
Tag along,
With your thoughts,
Race with your mind,
In this be lost.
Reach for what's beyond,
The further you go,
The further you reach,
The further you find,

Eloping With Time

When things happen fast,
Slow down, take a pause.
Let go of auto drive,
It was you, unthinking, not you.
These walking soldiers?
They will march on.
That clock besides you?
It will flicker by.
Give space, make way,
All movement beware.
Statued remain.
There is beauty in this time,
Where everything stops.
The rush, the storm -
All gone.
It's time to elope,
With time.