Sunday, December 28, 2008


The water is rising above the seams,
A trickle leaks over transparency,
Right off the limits that hold it back,
Past the confinements,
Breaking through boundaries.
It falls over and leaves a mark,
The mark already formed,
The deed done,
So what is there to hold back for?
The trickle unminded,
The crack unfixed,
Turning waves into rising tides,
Agonies of water,
Washing over,
Leaving nothing,
Not even the mark.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

You & Me

You are my perfection,
Not just an image.
You run through me like a silken fold,
Knitted in pleats into my skin,
Racing through my heart.
Its shelves hold your presence,
Each one heavy with your weight in gold.
Just lie there, softly,
Tender yet bold.
Stay there, for me,
Corner my soul.
Move, yet don't,
Each shudder is mine.
And just like that,
In a way unknown,
With each breath, each beat,
You make me alive.